Communication With Your Database
Feb 01, 2023
I want you to take a minute to think about what your database communication is like.
“Database” can be a scary word to many people and for many different reasons! Perhaps, you think you need to spend all this time writing out never ending news-letters, or maybe you are so overwhelmed with all the different types of social media that you don’t see the need to keep up on your database. I'm going to let you in on a little secret, the more followers you have does not mean more sales. The best way to help with long term sales is by having a great database! When you have emails you have ownership! You're able to collect them, nurture them, and create them to be what you want them to be, and all you have to do is have healthy communication.
Database does not have to be a scary, or a time consuming task. Finding that key niche to helping you keep up will be a game changer! Whether you enjoy creating blogs or maybe writing isn't your thing and you prefer podcasting. Pick the area that works best for you, get on a good schedule, and turn on that tap to start seeing GOLD! Database can and will be your greatest tool for your business. There are no rules to creating the “perfect” database all you need is to keep things simple and create content that is worth consuming. There is no need to add more to your plate or to create over the top content, keep it relevant and get your point across. Now let's get busy communicating with that GOLD database you have!
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